Great Fun And A Great Investment – Dodgem Cars

For any adult memories of visiting country fairs or a travelling circus was always a treat and almost inevitably one of the most exciting attractions was the dodgem cars. The sheer joy of having the freedom and power to fly around a rink full of other cars was the finest experience that a child could have – for once they were in control of the steering wheel, and often Dad had to hang on for dear life while the music played and the inevitable collision was set up.

Perhaps that’s why dodgem cars remain so popular today, even in the face of video games and far more modern technology. The sheer exhilaration felt by children who were in control of their own transportation and the fun of taking revenge on those who dared to bump or crash into them is something that will never grow old.

The older sorts of bumper cars operated through a floor and ceiling that were both conductive, allowing the bumper (or dodgem) car to draw power and thus operate. There are more modern versions that use alternate strips of metal across the floor, separated by spacers. These versions don’t require the poles that reach up to the roof as the body of the bumper car will always be touching at least two of the strips. More at

For those that have always wondered why dodgem cars seemed to glide so easily across the floor the answer is graphite. Graphite is sprinkled on the floor to decrease friction and increasing the speed of the bumper cars, increasing the power of the gentle impacts between the vehicles and at the same time increasing the amount of fun that the occupants are having.

The popularity of dodgem cars among both the public and operators is due to a number of factors. Firstly, for the public there is the undoubted fun factor. Dodgem cars are simple and easy to operate and even the youngest members of the family cam learn to drive a dodgem car best desk lamps for college dorms. The fact that most of the cars seat two is also a plus factor – what might have been a frightening experience for the smaller members of the family is turned into a whole lot of fun due to the calming and supportive presence of an older family member.

For entrepreneurs investment in dodgem cars can make sense. There are a number of dodgem car operations that can be packed up into easily portable components. Setting up the dodgem car enclosure does not require an enormous amount of manpower and the operation of the attraction is easy. This makes the dodgem car attraction ideal for transportation to private parties, as well as setup at malls and any open spaces. With the proper authorization the dodgem car operator can enjoy a significant daily profit from the operation of this evergreen attraction.

The dodgem car is a classic that doesn’t seem set to disappear from our list of family fun experiences any time soon – and that’s good news in a world that increasingly seems to rely on the virtual more than the real.